Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Writer Moresco plans feature on Castro's daughter

By Borys Kit

Alina FernandezFidel Castro

Moresco might also direct the project.

Fernandez, a product of an affair Castro had while married
to his first wife, spent her childhood in the shadows, learning
only at age 10 that the man who visited her at night and whom
she saw on TV every day was her father. In 1993, Fernandez
disguised herself as a Spanish tourist and fled first to Spain,
then to the U.S., where she has been living in exile ever
since. Fernandez is recognized worldwide as one of the most
outspoken of Castro's relatives.

The producers do not plan to do a biopic or a simple escape
story but envision a multiplot story a la "Crash" that will
illustrate the Cuban and American perspectives and ideologies
along with Fernandez's story. Her memoir will serve as

"For the last 20 years, I have been trying to show what is
going in my country, trying to make people be a little more
aware of how glorious we are and how many limitations we have,"
Fernandez told The Hollywood Reporter. "We are your neighbors,
yet you know so little about us. It's going to be a good
opportunity to show (audiences)."

Fernandez will be involved in the film as a story
consultant as well as with media relations for the project.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

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